Key Verse
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil” (Jeremiah 13:23)
Text — Jeremiah 13:19-27
The two age-long sayings, “An Ethiopian cannot change the colour of his skin” and “A leopard cannot take away its spots,” express the ancient belief that things cannot change their corrupt nature. Human beings cannot also change their sinful nature. Billy Graham decared: “After many thousands of years of so-called human progress, education, science and culture, we are amazed to discover that man is capable of the same old sins.”
The children of Israel that God sent Prophet Jeremiah to warn of their sins were known for their stubbornness and disobedience. He was even imprisoned for warning them about the regretful consequences of their idolatry, prostitution, oppression of the poor, etc. Many youths today are stubborn and disobedient like they were. God be praised that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from sin. Are you naughty and stubborn? The stubborn, whether youths or adults, cannot make heaven. Let the blood of the Lamb of God cleanse every spot of sin from your heart. Don’t linger in the camp of the sinning youths. Give your heart to Jesus now.
Are you naughty and stubborn?
Are you naughty and stubborn?
Prayer for today
Wash me, O Lamb of God.
Pastor KUMUYI is truly an inspiration to me and many others. God bless you, sir!