Key Verse
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;” Revelation 1:19
Text — Revelation 1:12-19
Writing remains one of the most important means of communication. John, the Beloved was one of the people whom the Holy Spirit used to write the books of the Bible. Do you know that God used John to write five different books of the Bible? These include: The Gospel of John, First, Second and Third Epistles of John and Revelation. Just like other writers, John did not write his ideas or opinions, but what the Holy Spirit directed Him to write.
The Bible has been written already and there is no need for another one because the Bible is complete and perfect. However, Jesus still needs writers today. He wants gifted children to use their writing and drawing talents to create something for sinners and also believers to read. Jesus has given every believer the work of preaching the gospel to sinners. There are some places we cannot reach, but our writings will definitely get there because writing knows no limits. You can send soul-saving and inspiring written messages to your sinful friends. You can write to encourage the believers who are going through life challenges. You can use mobile phones, internet and other social media platforms to reach people with the gospel message. Do not use your writing or drawing talents for the devil, rather, use them for the glory of God and you will be richly rewarded. Be a pen in God’s hand!
Further Reading
Jeremiah 30:1-4
Prayer for today
Lord, help me to use my talents to win sinners to You.