Key Verse
“But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land” (Acts 5:3).
Text — Acts 5:1-10
There are various categories of lies. We have falsehood, fabrication and white lie. White lie is erroneously believed to be sinless by many so-called believers, but alas it is a sin and can damn the soul in hell. The biblical record of Ananias and Sapphira, a couple that lost their lives same day because of unnecessary lie, is common knowledge amongst Christians. All liars shall burn in hell, says the Scriptures.
No matter how seemingly harmless, or little, a lie is fatal and would soon be unveiled. So, C.S. Lewis opines: “A little lie is like a little pregnancy – it doesn’t take long before everyone knows.” Again, George Herbert says: “Show me a liar, and I will show thee a thief.” You see, Ananias and Sapphira did not only tell a lie but also stole money because they presented only a part of the proceeds of the land to the Church while stating that it was the whole money. In sum, lying is a forerunner to thievery, leading ultimately to eternal damnation, if not repented of. But Jesus can deliver you right now.
Lying is a forerunner to thievery
Every liar is a slave of Satan and would suffer with him eternally.
Prayer for today
My Father, please help me to pursue my life’s goal of godliness.