“Pleasant To The Eyes?”
Friday, March 14, 2025Key Verse
“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, …” Genesis 3:6
Text — Genesis 3:1-7
Good for food, but poisonous to the body. Pleasant to the eyes, but very harmful to the soul. Eve never thought of these. She was just concerned about satisfying her lust. Like it is often said, “all that glitters is not gold.” If that fruit was good for food, God would not have said they should not eat it. And if it was pleasant to the eyes, God would not have told them not to touch it. Eve chose to be disobedient to the commandment of God. When you close your eyes to what is good, what is wrong becomes good to your blinded eyes. All that the serpent and Eve said about that tree was a lie and contrary to what God said about it. How could the fruit God told Adam and Eve never to eat be pleasant to her? Disobedience starts the moment the eyes are closed to the truth and the heart desires to do wrong things.
The immoral pictures on the television and the internet should never be pleasant to your eyes. The worldly music, the meat and the drinks of the ungodly people should never be pleasant to your ears and mouth. What was pleasant led Eve and Adam to suffering and punishment. Only righteousness and godliness are pleasant. Today, decide to follow and do the things that are right before God.
Further Reading
James 1:13-15
Prayer for today
Lord, help me to turn my eyes from ungodly things, but obey all Your instructions to me.