“You Have a Testimony”
Saturday, December 21, 2024Key Verse
“For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:” 1 Samuel 1:27
Text — 1Samuel 1:24-28
A testimony is a proof that something happened. Hannah went to a camp meeting at Shiloh and prayed seriously to God to give her a child. God answered her prayer and gave her baby Samuel. In our Bible passage, Hannah came back to Shiloh to share her testimony. How does a testimony come? , there is a test or a problem First that needs a solution. Test can come in form of failure, delay in getting answer to prayers, persecution, hatred from people, rejection, misunderstanding from people and many others. Second, is trusting and travailing in prayer for solution. Your prayer should be based on the promises of God. Then pray and pray until your prayer is answered. Pray on your own, pray in the church, tell your teacher in the church to pray for you. God will surely answer you in Jesus’ Name. , when you Third get the answer, share your testimony with other people.
Every child can have a testimony, you too can have. But you must be born again for God to answer your prayer. Turn away from every sin and invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your life. Pray in faith, God will answer.
Further Reading
Psalm 40:1-3
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, teach me how to pray to have a testimony.