Key Verse
“And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?” Mark 9:28
Text — Mark 9:17:29
Jesus ahd all the power in heaven and in earth over all situationd and circumstances. He knows the root cause of all problems and sees far above and beyond what the human eyes can see or comprehend. A man brought his child who had a dumb spirit and tormented of the devil to the disciples. They did all they could but failed before Jesus came to the scene. He eventually chased out the foul spirit tormenting the child and he was set free.
The disciples came asking why they could not cast him out and He simply told them what they needed to do. They need to have faith, pray and fast. Do you desire to be used of God for great exploits in your generation? Do you want to be a carrier of God’s anointing and power? Then devote more time to personal prayers, study of the word of God, developing your faith and fasting. You’re not too young to make an impact.
Further Reading
Luke 4:18
Prayer for today
Lord, make me an instrument of blessing to my generation.
I can and will impact my world today