Key Verse
“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,” Luke 15:18
Text — Luke 15:11-24
The story of the prodigal son teaches us a lot of lessons today. He wandered away into a far country where he wasted all he had on worldly pleasures. When he began to lack, he realized his condition, repented and returned to his father. Are you a sinner or backslider? Do you reject the call of God and decide to live your life the way you want? Some children are living in disobedience and stubbornness to the point that their parents are tired of them. Why not repent today like the prodigal son and return to Christ. His arms are wide open to receive you, be wise!
If you are a sinful child, you must as a matter of urgency, pray and confess your sins to God. Ask for pardon and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your personal Saviour and Lord. Then prayerfully sing this song “I wandered far away, lost in the wilderness, but now I have come home, Father forgive me.”
Further Reading
Luke 15:1-10
Prayer for today
Lord, I return to You today, accept and make me Your child.