Thursday, February 20, 2025Key Verse
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23).
Text —John 4:13-26
Singing, dancing and praising God are often regarded as the chief means of worship. The post apostolic age has ushered in different modes of worship and variation in doctrines in many churches that are contrary to the word of God. Most of these churches place emphasis on only some teachings of the Bible instead of the whole. For others, human traditions, and erroneous doctrines have become part of their worship or even more emphasized.
Jesus identified the true worshippers of God. These are the people that are convicted and saved by the Spirit and walking and living according to the Truth by the Spirit. Yes, they obey the Truth which is Christ, the totality of the Scriptures. “Worship then, is not part of the Christian life; it is the Christian life,” said Gerald Vann. Indeed, it is a life totally devoted to God in the Church, home, school, and at work. The true worshippers seek for daily grace to obey every command of God, whether sweet or sour. It’s they that Christ is coming to take home. Are you one of them?
They obey the Truth.
Jesus is coming for the true worshippers.
Prayer for today
Lord, empower me to daily worship You in truth and spirit