Key Verse
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6).
Text —Romans 5:6-11
Over the years, people have been engaging in diverse sacrifices in order to appease gods for them to experience breakthroughs in their lives. Some do this to get healing and others for protection. Unfortunately all these appeasements have only compounded their problems as Satan would have access into their lives to create more spiritual complications in their lives and eventually lead them into perdition. The blood of animals cannot save man from sin and the devil because only the blood of Jesus has been ordained by God to be atonement or an appeasement for humanity.
Christ finished the work of redemption for the whole world on the cross of Calvary. It is now the duty of everyone to come to benefit from this supreme sacrifice that was facilitated by the vicarious death of Christ. Our lives should be characterized by absolute surrender, purity, righteousness and total commitment to the will of God as there will be no other sacrifice equal to or will be greater than what Christ has accomplished for us on the cross. Christ has paid the supreme price.
Christ finished the work
Surrender your life to Jesus.
Prayer for today