Key Verse
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).
Text — Revelation 3:20-23
The lyrics of Jonathan Bush Atchinson captured today’s passage vividly:
There’s a Stranger at the door, Let Him in
He has been there oft before, Let Him in
Let Him in ere He is gone
Let Him in the Holy One
Jesus Christ the Father’s Son Let Him in
Open now to Him your heart Let Him in
If you wait He will depart Let Him in
Let Him in, He is your Friend
He your soul will sure defend
He will keep you to the end, let Him in.
It is common to find a peephole in the front door to see who is knocking before deciding whether to open or not. Jesus will not force His way into your heart. He leaves the choice to you whether to open the door and invite Him in or you refuse and let Him go. Your surrendering to the King of kings must be on your own volition. He comes in as a Friend, and presents Himself as Gift. He takes residence in your heart and becomes the King of your life.
Open the door and invite Him in
Open your heart’s door for the Heavenly Guest, He is knocking.
Prayer for today
My heart is open dear Lord, come in.