Key Verse
“Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.” Mark 9:50
Text — Mark 9:42-50
Salt is the white substance that is added to our meal during its preparation to give it the desired taste. No matter the amount of money spent in preparing a meal, without salt, the food will become tasteless and worthless. Salt always makes the difference. This is the reason Jesus compares a Christian to the substance known as salt. He desires that our lives will show forth the sweet attribute in salt. As salt is valuable to give flavour, cleansing, healing and to preserve from corruption, hence the friends of Jesus must be godly and shining examples in the world. They must reject and resist the moral decay and corruption that is common in our society. Failure to do so will lead to the “salt” losing his saltness. The result is that such a person will be cast out by God and he will be trodden under men.
As a believer, if you have lost your sweetness, Jesus is calling you to come back to Him. You are called to be an agent of peace and righteousness in this present world. If you have missed your way, you can come back now. Ask Jesus to refresh your life, cleanse your heart and give you grace to live as salt of the earth.
Further Reading
Matthew 5:13
Prayer for today
Lord, make me the salt of the earth.