Persistently Obeying Parents
Tuesday, June 27, 2023Key Verse
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1).
Text — Ephesians 6:1-3
Our existence on earth came through our parents who are graciously ordained by the creative power of God to fulfil His plan of procreation for humanity. Such a position occupied by our parents in God’s plan for humans is very important in His sight. This explains the common belief that the pronouncements of parents on their children go a long way in determining their fate on earth, especially for the erring ones, as was the case of Jacob and his children.
From our text, the Scriptures simply enjoin children to obey wholeheartedly their parents. This is instructive because it is the first commandment that comes with a reward. As children, support your parents in the house chores, running of errands and adhering to specific instructions given to you provided they are not contrary to God’s commandments as specified in the Holy Bible.
It is worthy of note that godly leaders in the church fall into this category. We are to honour them by being respectful and polite to them. This will ultimately lead to the preservation of our physical and spiritual lives.
Honour them by being respectful
Obey and honour your parents.
Prayer for today
Oh God, help me to be obedient to my parents, in Jesus’ name.