Key Verse
“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer:” Romans 12:12
Text — Romans 12:12-18
The word patient is an adjective describing a person who is willing to wait without losing his temper. It also means to be constant in pursuit of a worthy course, to be persevering, calm and diligent. In spiritual language, patience is the ability to suffer or bear long for Christ’s sake. Tribulation on the other hand is described as a period of great suffering and trouble. It is being persecuted for the sake of Christ; but the Lord is encouraging you from our text to be patient in tribulation. There are many tribulations that confront friends of Jesus daily, but the encouragement is never to give up.
Tribulation in this present time can be in form of the experience of ridicule from unbelievers, jesting, opposition to the preaching of the gospel, rejection by unbelieving family members and friends. It could also be opposition from those who want you to cheat in examination or join them in their disobedience. Whatever the type or shape of the tribulation, Jesus Christ is encouraging you to be patient and stand firm for what is right. It will not be long, Jesus is coming soon to take His friends away from this sinful, corrupt world and the coming great tribulation. Determine to endure and God will be with you.
Further Reading
Romans 5:1-5
Prayer for today
Lord, give me the grace to be patient in time of tribulation.