Key Verse
“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2
Text — John 14:1-7
The story was told of a little boy who was traveling alone on a train, and the atmosphere was not interesting for a boy of his age. A woman sitting beside him asked, “Are you tired of the long uninteresting ride?” The boy smiled and said, “I’m a little bit tired, but I don’t mind it much. You see, my father is going to meet me when I get there and that is my greatest joy.” Just like that young boy looked forward to meeting his father at his destination, Christian boys and girls must always desire and look forward to having Jesus meet with them when they arrive at their destination- Heaven! Jesus assures us thus, “I go to prepare a place for you.”
As a child, you are young and have many wonderful years of life ahead of you. You have so many things to look forward to! But someday, you will be old, and your life on earth will end. Knowing that Jesus, our friend and Saviour will meet us at the end of our life’s journey takes any worry away. Focus your attention on heaven and God will keep you till the end.
Further Reading
Acts 1:9-11
Prayer for today
Come Lord Jesus, we are waiting for You.