Key Verse
“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11).
Text — Philippians 2:8-11
Stating that “Jesus is Lord’’ is in recognition of His divine standing or position. A lord is one who has power and authority over others. Jesus, being the Lord, is a ruler by hereditary right or pre-eminence to whom service and worship are due. Jesus has all the qualities and qualifications to be the Lord over your life. He is the Almighty God, King of kings, Prophet, Teacher, Judge, Advocate, Saviour, Redeemer, etc. He is everything to us. Tim keller said, “You don’t realise Jesus is all you need until all you have is Jesus.”
If Jesus is all you have, then you have all you need. Making Jesus all you have goes beyond mere professing of your love for Him. It entails genuine repentance and accepting His atonement as the only bridge to the Father. It means total surrendering of your life willingly and perpetually to Him. Make Jesus your Lord today and He will gladly grant you unlimited joy, peace, prosperity and power to reign over the devil and his cohorts.
Make Jesus Your Lord
Jesus is the beginning of a meaningful life.
Prayer for today