Key Verse
“For the kingdom is the LORD’S: and he is the governor among the nations” (Psalm 22:28).
Text — Psalm 22:24-29
Prophet Isaiah mocked idolaters who trusted in creatures instead of the creator. He described the Majesty of God as, “he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers” (Isaiah 40:22). Men of power have reigned in pride; kings rose and fell. They persecuted and killed the righteous prophets, but they did not remain on the throne forever. They failed to recognize the true God.
In our passage today, King David extolled God as ‘’the Governor’’ over the nations of the earth. This understanding prompted David’s trust in God in his youth. He killed a lion, a bear, and the Philistine’s giant called Goliath. He knew that God has the final say over the entire globe and that no man or beast can change His word. Those who share in David’s conviction must rise up to praise God with courage, consecration, and passion. Our submission and obedience to God are limited by our level of knowledge of Him. God is holy and mighty to execute judgment on any nation of the world.
God has the final say
Extol God at all times.
Prayer for today
I praise you, Lord of the whole universe.
I am a member of Depper