Key Verse
“And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing” (Luke 15:5).
Text — Luke 15:1-7
Someone once said, “If you were the only sinner in the world, Christ would still have died for you.” Christ gave this parable to illustrate the love and care He has for all people. Like the shepherd in this parable, our Lord loves all his sheep. You matter to Him. He knows you by name. The shepherd could not afford to overlook or forget just a single sheep that wandered away.
He made a huge sacrifice to bring it back. Worthy of note is the fact that the shepherd did not give up until his lost sheep was found. He equally placed the lost sheep on his shoulder when it was found. He did not drag it on the ground or pull it by the ear. Indeed, the Shepherd of our soul loves you more than you can imagine.
If you are this lost one, you can be sure He is searching for you. Don’t stay back out there in the cold away from the fold. If you are already in His sheepfold, don’t leave. You are dear to the heart of the shepherd.
You matter to Him
Do not take God’s love for granted.
Prayer for today
Lord, my Shepherd, keep me from staying from the fold.