Key Verse
“And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Matthew 25:46
Text — Matthew 25:41-46
A gospel tract describes eternity this way “suppose it was possible to tie a rope from the earth to heaven and an ant was to go to the sun and return on this rope when the ant has done that a hundred times, then a small fraction of eternity has passed. Suppose a small boy was to empty an ocean with a cup, the time it will take the boy is a very tiny part of eternity.
If it were possible to gather all the books that have ever been written in all fields of human endeavor and all languages, and a student were to read them one by one, the time he will spend reading all the books will only amount to a minute fraction of eternity. If a grain of sand represents one day, all the sand at the seashore will represent only a small, negligible part of eternity.”
Life does not end at the time of death; it is only a gateway to eternity – in heaven or hell. Every sinner will end up in hell and every saint (believers living holy life) will go to heaven. Where do you want to spend eternity? The Bible encourages us to strive to enter through the straight and narrow way.
Further Reading
Luke 16:19-26
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, I look forward to heaven because I know You will be there. Give me the grace not to miss heaven. Amen.