Key Verse
“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock” (Matthew 7:25).
Text —Matthew 7:24-29
In engineering, a foundation is the element of a structure which connects it to the ground, transferring load from the structure to the ground. Without a firm foundation, a structure is bound to collapse. Our text describes a firm foundation as that which is built and founded on the rock. And that Rock is Christ. When we build our foundation with human wisdom, strategy, tactics and intelligence without Christ, we are planning to fail. But a firm foundation built on Christ can withstand whatever comes its way. Youths who build their lives on falsehood and deception of so called modern churches that are void of grace and divine direction cannot stand firm. They are bound to fall and perish in hell, except they repent.
If you put the weight of your Christian life on Christ through genuine salvation, He will carry it for you. Christ is a strong foundation that is reliable. He is not like the sinking sand that cannot carry a house. Be wise and ensure you are building on Christ today for your spiritual edifice to stand firm forever.
Christ is the strong foundation
Any foundation built without Christ will collapse.
Prayer for today