Key Verse
“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.” John 3:18
Text — John 3:16-18
Parents sometimes make decisions for their children. They choose the school they attend, choose the clothes, and shoes to buy for them. There is however a decision that only you can make, and that is, the decision to repent of your sin and accept Jesus into your heart. No matter how much your parents love you, they cannot repent of your sin on your behalf.
When Jesus was crucified on the cross, the two thieves beside him had an opportunity to take a decision only they could make. Jesus was beside them but would not make that decision for them. One of the two thieves was wise, he decided to repent and is now in heaven.
If you are disobedient, telling lies, stealing, fighting, and doing some other bad things, take the most important decision that would determine where you would spend eternity by repenting NOW. If you had repented of your sins before, but you have gone back to that sinful behavior, repent now before it is too late. If you have already given your heart to Jesus, make up your mind to continue to love and obey Jesus till He comes to take you to heaven.
Further Reading
Romans 10:9-13
Prayer for today
Dear Father, forgive all my sins, make me clean and help me to daily love and obey you.