Key Verse
“And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli.” 1 Samuel 3:1
Text — 1 Samuel 3:1-4
You are the child to minister to and serve the Lord now. Our Bible passage reveals the fact that a child can also minister to the Lord. Eli was old and could not see again.
Samuel swept the house of God, put on the light in the night and helped to prepare sacrifices in the temple. While Daddy Eli, the priest was sleeping, Samuel watched over the house of God. No doubt, God loved and trusted him and chose to speak to him. He knew Samuel would continue to love, obey, and serve Him all the days of his life and grow up to lead a whole nation of Israel in the righteous way. Samuel heard when God called because he was paying attention.
What does God know about you? What do you do in God’s house? Do you pay attention in the church or during family prayer time? Or do you at such time play, talk or sleep? Whenever you go to the presence of God, minister to Him in praises and in prayers. Listen and pay close attention to God’s word. Obey Him and He will bless you.
Further Reading
Luke 2:47-49
Prayer for today
Lord, make me a good child as Samuel, always obedient to You.