Key Verse
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;” Matthew 11:29a
Text — Matthew 11:28-30
Francis was given a pack of biscuits by his dad. He liked the biscuits so much. He held on to them and refused to give them to his dad who wanted to help him keep them. The biscuits dropped from his had when he slept off, and were eaten up by rats. Sadly, he lost the biscuits to rats because he refused to give the control of the biscuits to his loving dad.
Surrendering to God is to give up the control of your life to God. God wants you to surrender everything to Him, beginning with your heart. This happens in a moment of time when you turn away from sin and then accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. After this, there is the daily, moment-by-moment giving up of your desires and will for God’s will and desires. For example, you might want to eat all of your snacks, but God wants you to share them with your classmate who does not have.
The prodigal son in Luke 15 left his father’s care and control for suffering and hunger. He possibly thought that life would be better for him without his father’s control. Thank God, he realized his foolishness and went back to his father in repentance and surrendered to his father’s control, love and care. Have you surrendered your life to God?
Further Reading
Luke 15:11-32
Prayer for today
Dear God, I surrender my life to You now. Forgive me and reign in my life.