Love One Another
Thursday, August 17, 2023Key Verse
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 13:34
Text — John 13:33-35
Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord had many followers while on earth. He also had some special friends who were called His disciples; they were twelve (12) in number. He had a close relationship with them and always went out with them on His many missions of preaching the kingdom of God, healing the sick and delivering those who were oppressed by the devil. To this special group of people, He gave the command to love one another as He loved them. Showing love to one another will make people know that they were indeed His close friends because He had demonstrated this love to them. That command to love one another as followers of Christ is still relevant to us in this present age.
Are you a true disciple of Jesus Christ? If yes, how much love do you have and show to other followers of Christ? Your demonstration of love will attract people to Him as they will see Christ in your life. Start living the Christlike life of loving one another today.
Further Reading
Acts 4:33-37
Prayer for today
Father, please help me to live like Christ, showing love so that many people can be drawn to you.
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