Key Verse
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…” (2 Timothy 4:7,8).
Text — 2 Timothy 4:5-8
“Faced with a challenging new project at work, I sought our manager’s advice on how to proceed. After we had gone over his suggestions, I asked him to tell me his formula for success. ‘What I do, I do very well,’ he answered with a smile. ‘what I don’t do well, I don’t do at all!’” Said Sally Baucus Boydstun. That is a great message. In a keenly contested Junior Category, African Spelling-Bee Champion competition, held recently in Malawi, a 13-year-old Deeper Life High School student won because of her decision, determination and hard work. Like Sally Baucus, what she did, she did well by God’s grace.
God created man in His likeness with the potential to excel; therefore, there should be no excuse for failure. You, too, can succeed like others if you are willing to pay the price. Apostle Paul’s excellent spirit and ruggedness gave him an edge over his contemporaries and assured him an eternal reward. He kept the faith and finished his God-given assignment. Laurels are for hard-working goal-getters. Wouldn’t you be one? Have faith in God and press on!
You too can succeed
Laurels are for hard-working goal-getters.
Prayer for today
Holy Father, make me diligent in my work, in Jesus name.