Key Verse
“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4
Text — John 9:1-5
As a child, and a friend of Jesus, there are three areas of work available for you-to-do.
(i) Spiritual work: You are expected to continue the work of preaching the gospel which Jesus Christ left for all His friends. The Lord Jesus Christ expects you to tell your friends about His love for them, and how they need to give their lives to Him. You are also expected to do your daily Bible reading and learn your memory verses.
(ii) As you grow in the family, Home chores:you have some work you must do to make you a responsible member of the family. Friends of Jesus in a family are expected to support their parents by doing such work as sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, helping in the kitchen, running errands for Mummy and Daddy, and doing any other assignments at home according to their abilities.
(iii) As a pupil in School W ork:a school, part of your work is to read your books and do your school assignments every day. As you engage in these works, you will be happy and fulfilled as a responsible friend of Jesus. Run away from laziness and idleness.
Be hard working. If you are not born again yet, you must turn away from sin and be born again now.
Further Reading
Proverbs 22:29
Prayer for today
Lord, give me the power to always engage in profitable work.