Key Verse
“And there was no deliverer, because it was far from Zidon, and they had no business with any man; and it was in the valley that lieth by Bethrehob. And they built a city, and dwelt therein” (Judges 18:28).
TEXT — Judges 18:22-31
Man has been created to be inter-dependent. This is what John Donne meant when he said, “No man is an island!” No one or nation is self-sufficient. The practice of international relations is borne from the understanding that no nation, however endowed, can survive without the support of other nations.
In our text for today, we find the danger of a nation or individual trying to live in isolation of others. The marauding Danites came across the nation of Laish who thought themselves to live secure and in peace. They were far away from others and felt no need of external support. They also had no business dealings with others. This feeling of self-sufficiency and safety made them easy prey to the children of Dan who slayed them and burnt their city without any resistance.
No matter how strong you may think you are and how spiritually endowed, you need others. Isolation is not good for anyone. A lot of people have suffered unnecessarily and there are many who are dying silently because they fail to relate and interact with others. It is not a show of strength or spirituality when you choose to travel through life without any friend or partner to unburden your heart.
If you have been living in isolation and trying to manage life alone, you must change today. Find a friend; locate a fellowship and associate yourself with it. If you are not married yet as an adult, you need to find a life partner. Do not think you are too spiritual to marry. If you are within a fellowship already, do not be a lone ranger. Get actively involved and freely share with others. Never allow the devil to take advantage of your loneliness to bring you into defeat.
Thought for the day
Strictly speaking, self-sufficiency exists only in word.
- Bible
- in one year
- 1 SAMUEL 6 – 7
Hmmmn! Self-isolation kills. May God help us never to forsake the assembly of God’s people in Jesus name Amen.
Some times it’s the attitude and behaviour of Some church leaders and members that make want to live alone
Strictly speaking ‘self-sufficiency exists only in word”.
No one is self sufficient. Spiritual pride makes a man or woman to think they are. God will make us wiser than the devil. Amen.
Hmmmm “no man is an island “
Thank you Lord
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Thank You . God Bless you all for the Good work
May we have the right kind of companionship that would expel every form of self sufficiency.
Amen . Yes. Psalm 23 say the Lord is your strength i shall not want it make to lay down in sea passion.
It is a dangerous thing to isolate oneself from the fold of Christ . Whenever men does this, it is because of their been lured away by their lust of the eye, lust if the flesh and pride of life. We have to be watchful that we do not get distracted by the world we live in, lest we become a pray to the devil . The lord will continue to keep us near him, Amen.
We should not get distracted by the world we live in, lest we become a pray to the devil . The lord will continue to keep us near him, Amen.
We all need each other. Let’s seek out the lost ones and re-intwgrate them to the larger family in yhw spirit of true fellowship.