Key Verse
“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” Genesis 18:19
Text — Genesis 18:16-19
A family is considered as one of the most important units of society because the family makes up the nation. The family is the first place where children learn how to interact with others. It is also the first setting where children learn about societal values and consequences of both positive and negative actions.
Parents are responsible for guiding their children and providing life lessons that will make them to be good citizens. These lessons form a big part of a person’s lifestyle and overall personality.
In our Bible passage, the family of Abraham is a model of a godly family where the word of God is taught and obeyed. God trusted Abraham that he would teach his children and his entire household the way of the Lord. Remember, Abraham’s family produced faithful and well-behaved Isaac. There are godly families in the Bible who produced godly children like Samuel, Daniel, Esther, Timothy, the daughters of Evangelist Philip and many others. A child can help promote a godly family by first becoming a member of the family of God through repentance and faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary. Salvation will help you to obey and submit to the will of God and also to the godly counsels of your parents.
Further Reading
Acts 10:1,2
Prayer for today
Lord, help me to always obey You and submit to the godly instructions of my parents.