Key Verse
“And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).
Text —Luke 9:57-62
“Following Christ isn’t something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are,” says Francis Chan. But sometimes following Christ leads to difficult choices and turning back may seem very appealing. This is because taking up one’s cross goes with sacrifices like hating one’s life. That is why Christ says, “He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal” (John 12:25).
Out text recounts how it was very difficult for some two men to abandon their priorities when Christ requested them to follow Him. Whereas the burial of the first companion’s father was more important than following Christ, the friends of the second were his priority. Preaching the kingdom of God is better than burying the dead and attending to one’s friends. Faithfully follow Christ and strive to be like Him. Remember, Christ always obeyed His Father, so do same to be fit for the kingdom of God.
Christ always obeyed His Father.
What are your priorities as a believer?
Prayer for today