Key Verse
“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2)
Text — 1 Corinthians 4:1-4
In 2017, a security man attached to a particular bank in Nigeria found $10,000 dropped by a client and returned it to the bank authority. His monthly earning was just $100. He was ridiculed and criticized by his colleagues for returning such huge amount of money which he could have used for himself and his family. During the annual general meeting of the managers of the bank, the man was rewarded with a sum of $15,000 for his faithfulness in service. This act shows that God can lift us higher than we are now if we are faithful to Him.
Every believing youth is a steward in God’s kingdom. Joseph was a faithful steward in Potiphar’ s house. Jacob was also a faithful steward in Laban’s house, Eliezer was a faithful steward to Abraham and Apostle Paul and other disciples of Christ were faithful. Christian youths are expected to be faithful in evangelism, money matters, and issues of trust and in any assignment. Faithfulness in stewardship is the hallmark of the Christian faith.
Youths are expected to be faithful
There can be no stewardship without faithfulness.
Prayer for today
Lord, make me faithful in all things.
Very nice