Memory Verse
“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 22:5
Text: Revelation 22:3-5
Heaven is a beautiful place, so beautiful that no word on earth can describe its beauty. It is the final resting place of I all friends of Jesus – all those who confess their sins to Him and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through His precious blood shed on the cross at Calvary.
Jesus Christ came to show mankind the way back to God. Many believed and followed Him. He called twelve men (disciples) to support Him in preaching about God’s kingdom and forgiveness of sins. The Jews were not happy about His preaching teaching as they thought no one except God had the power to forgive sins.
Moreso, they saw Him as the Son of Joseph the carpenter, not God’s Son. They plotted to kill Christ and eventually succeeded, using one of His chosen disciples, Judas Iscariot. They did not know that His crucifixion is in accordance with God’s plan for the redemption of mankind. After His crucifixion, burial and resurrection; Jesus ascended to heaven where He has prepared mansions for all who believe in Him. He commanded His disciples to continue preaching God’s kingdom and forgiveness of sins. He will return one day to take His friends to heaven. Do not miss it. It is a place of untold beauty and rest meant for only the righteous. Repent of your sins now, seek forgiveness through Christ and you will make heaven at last.
Further Reading:
John 14:1-3
Prayer for today
God, help me to believe Your word, receive forgiveness and cleansing and be prepared to live with You in heaven.