Key Verse
“And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” Luke 10:37
Text — Luke 10:30-37
The story of the good Samaritan teaches us a lot of lessons today. The Samaritan saw a man who was robbed and wounded and left for dead. He did not abandon him, but took him to the hospital and paid for his treatment. The priest and the Levite saw the wounded man and passed by. They refused to help.
The story emphasized the need to show compassion and love to those in need. The call to love God is a call to love others. As friends of Jesus, you must not close your eyes to the suffering and needs of others. Our neighbours are those who need us when it is in our power to help them. That child who is always hungry and goes about in tattered clothes is your neighbour. Share what you have with him\her with the permission of your parents. Pray for the sick, visit those who are sad and be an encouragement to the discouraged. Jesus commended the good Samaritan and told His disciples to do likewise. Make up your mind today to keep the flag flying, follow after the example of Jesus and your reward will be great in heaven.
Further Reading
Matthew 25:32-45
Prayer for today
Lord, help me to keep the flag of good works flying.
I learnt a lot from this