Key Verse
“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16
Text — Ephesians 5:14-17
Resources are assets that are available for us to use in order to make life easy for us. We have two major types of resources. Natural resources given freely to us by God – our Creator. Man-made resources; created by man out of the natural resources. Out of all the natural resources made available to man, time is one of the most precious of them all. Time is the only natural resource that all men have equally. We all have 24 hours per day at our disposal.
Time is irreversible and irreplaceable. Once a moment slips out of your hands, it is gone forever. No wonder the Bible talks of redeeming the time by not wasting it because you can never get it back. Redeem your time daily by starting your day with God, set your goals for the day, get rid of all distractions, focus on your goals and avoid procrastinations. Remember that your life is made up of time.
Further Reading
Ecclesiastes 9:10-12
Prayer for today
Dear Father, help me to use this most valuable resource You have given me well for Your glory.