Key Verse
“After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.” John 13:5
Text — John 13:4-8
In the olden days in Israel, washing off the feet was the first act of hospitality shown to a stranger who came to someone’s house. The traditional Israelites wore only sandals; hence, washing was refreshing as well as maintaining cleanliness. In the case of ordinary people, the host provided the water and the guests washed their own feet, but in the house of the wealthy class, the washing was done by a slave. It was looked upon as the lowliest and meanest of all services. But what a surprising show of humility that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, should wash the feet of His disciples.
Every believer should follow this wonderful example of the Master. We should be willing and ready to do anything and everything for Jesus and His body, which is the church of God. We should not consider any work in the house of God too lowly or inferior for us to do. We should live to show the humility of Jesus at all times. Apart from singing in the church, make yourself available in cleaning the church, arranging seats, serving food/washing of plates during programmes and other little assignments in the house of God. Humility attracts honour and promotion. Great rewards await you as you follow the Master’s example.
Further Reading
Philippians 2:5-11
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, help me to walk with You and follow Your example of humility.