Key Verse
“And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp” (Numbers 11:1).
TEXT — Numbers 11:1-9
“Murmuring is an outward manifestation of an inward lawlessness and rebellion against a holy God”. It is like a little child crying and whining over toys and things that have little or no value. He remains discontented because of his immaturity and childishness.
From our text, the children of Israel continued their habit of complaining over every little need. The Lord punished them by sending down fire, which consumed some of them. The next moment, they started another round of complaint. This time around, it was the absence of food varieties like garlic, onions, cucumbers, etc. from their menu. This present complaint was heightened by the mixed multitude in their midst. Soon the flame of discontent filled the entire camp and Moses had to go to God once again for guidance, even as he pleaded for His mercy.
Sometimes, we wonder why God has not answered our prayers for years even though we cry unto Him daily. We may not have all the answers; but one of the reasons we fail to get anything from God is the absence of gratitude. Israel failed to appreciate God for their deliverance from Egypt and their preservation in the wilderness. They were ungrateful, unwise and unholy. They thought the best way to get things from God was through protests and complaints. They failed to appreciate the manna that God gave them for a period of forty years and continually missed that best of God.
Let us come boldly to the throne of grace with an attitude of praise and gratitude. The results will be different.
Thought for the day
Change your attitude and attain an altitude.
- Bible
- in one year
- HEBREWS 1 – 4
Talking about the mixed multitude, where do the Israelites get them from?
I need it
Very enriching study.