Key Verse
“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8
Text — Psalm 16:7-11
Many things and people are seeking for our attention. We are therefore confused which one we should really focus on or show interest in. What we think about or see often has a way of taking our attention and interest completely; and where interest is keen, memory is said to become almost photographic or accurate. What that means is that, it is very easy to remember clearly the person or something we have very strong interest in.
Our Bible passage tells us that there is Someone we must always think about, pay attention to and remember.
This is because such a Person has the power and the love to deliver us from trouble and provide all our needs. You must set the Lord always before you. Fix your attention always on what pleases Him. Choose to love and obey Him above all other people. He will lead you in the path of life; you will not fail and He will fill your heart with joy.
Further Reading
Ephesians 3:17-20
Prayer for today
I will always think of You. Lord, help me to remember and obey Your word always.
God is Mighty, He is my savior.