Key Verse
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:28).
Text —Isaiah 40:27-31
By nature, youths struggle with the idea of waiting. In the modern world, motion is associated with progress, purpose, and go-getting high achievers. Conversely, waiting is seen as a sign of indecision, a weakness found only in non-performers. Motivational speakers urge youths to take their destiny in their own hands and run with it. That counsel runs contrary to the path prescribed by God for successful achievement. So, beware, running can amount to retrogression especially if you are running in the opposite direction to God’s plan for your life.
Waiting upon the Lord is not suggesting an idle sit-by, no; it means prayer. Since prayer is the connection of human impotence with God’s omnipotence, time spent in prayer is not wasted. Rather, the benefits are limitless – there is guidance, strength, and assured victory. The opposite of waiting upon the Lord is running ahead of God, and that is a recipe for failure and frustration. Cultivating the habit of waiting upon the Lord might look difficult but with grace and some self-discipline, you can do it. Start small by observance of a regular, daily Quiet Time.
Time spent in prayer is not wasted
Set a plan to increase your prayer time by 10 minutes monthly.
Prayer for today