Key Verse
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein” (Romans 6: 1-2)
Text — Romans 6:1-5
Impunity is an abuse of privilege or power, living with a mindset of being free from the consequences of your actions. At the end of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln saw the slaves he had liberated by the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 as his army set them free. He told them, “My poor friends, you are free – free as air. You can cast off the name of slave and trample upon it. Liberty is your birth right.” But Abraham Lincoln also cautioned them not to misuse their freedom. “Let the world see that you merit your freedom,” Lincoln added, “Don’t let your joy carry you into excesses. Learn the laws and obey them.” You see, God gives us liberty by grace, not a license to live as we please.
We are saved through grace, so indulging in sinful acts because we believe His grace is sufficient, is even more dangerous. As God’s children, we should desire to live in perfect obedience to Him. In addition, grace is more than sufficient for the sinner who chooses to be saved and turn away from iniquity.
God gives us liberty by grace
Desire to live in perfect obedience to God.
Prayer for today
Oh Lord, help me not to take Your grace for granted.