Key Verse
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).
Text — Psalm 90:10-14
Alan Lakein, a famous American author on time management, is credited with several quotes, one of which is; “Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.” The Psalmist in our text draws our attention to how brief life can be and admonishes us to apply wisdom in the way we use our time. Young people who continue to invest time in sinful and unprofitable activities like pornography, gambling, immorality, cultism, violence, internet fraud and so on, are surely not wise and will eventually realize they have wasted their lives when it is late in hell if they fail to repent. The opportunity to do so is still available.
A wise youth should invest time in developing profitable life-transforming capacity, acquiring skills, building healthy social, professional and spiritual relationships. Time flies swiftly; use it wisely. Saved youths have the unlimited resources of heaven to tap into within the limited time life offers. Unsaved youths should accept Jesus today and not waste any more time in sin as the result may be calamitous.
Time flies swiftly; use it smartly.
Invest time in developing profitable skills
Prayer for today