“The Cross And The Crown”
Sunday, October 27, 2024Key Verse
“And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27).
Text —Luke 14:26-33
A story was told by a preacher in the Philippine Island on his encounter, passing through a large church where he spotted several small boys who were running about selling crosses. He heard them calling, “Crosses, cheap crosses for sale! Buy a cheap cross!” It is a tragic concern that many want a cheap cross – a faith that is easy, one that makes no demands. The cross of Christ is not a cheap cross.
Jesus, in articulating the standard for discipleship, gave a condition, “If any man,” implying the inclusion of all.
The condition demands not loving physical family, possessions and even ones life more than our Lord and His will. Christ likened the expense of commitment to the cross to “intending to build a tower” which requires counting the cost of repentance, self-denial and consistent holy living. All cross-bearers are admonished to be conscious that they have, laid up for them, crowns of righteousness, and eternal rewards in heaven if they continue till the end. Those who turn away from the Lord will be damned in hell for ever.
Continue till the end
The Crown awaits all Cross bearers.
Prayer for today