Key Verse
“Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it” (Isaiah 43:13)?
Text —Isaiah 43:8-13
The one who reigns from eternity to eternity is the All-Powerful God. He is the ever-present help for those who trust in Him and His unchanging promises. He has power to do everything for those that are redeemed by the blood of Christ. By His infinite power, He created the heaven and earth, including all that are visible and invisible. All that scientists have discovered and are yet to discover are all made by this omnipotent God. He occupies the heavens and the earth. His might is unsearchable.
There is none born among men or created among the angels that can challenge His omnipotence. Rejoice for having such a God as your Creator and Father. Therefore, Place your confidence in Him today and He will do all things for you to be successful in your education, career, and future plans. However, before you can enjoy the fullness of His power, you have to be born again for His promises are specially designed to take care of the needs of His obedient children.
His might is unsearchable
Place your confidence in Him.
Prayer for today