Key Verse
“Quench not the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
Text — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21
The word ‘quench’ means to extinguish or put out a fire by using water or some other means. It also means to reduce to silence. If anything has been quenched, it means there is no more life in it or no more voice from it. Similarly, if you quench the Holy Spirit in your life, it means you have silenced Him in your heart and life. It follows therefore that those who have backslidden from the faith or remain adamant in their sins have quenched the inner voice – the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God cannot live in or operate from a temple that is dirty and defiled- Remember that you are the temple of God!
As a Christian youth you must take heed to your ways not to lose the Spirit’s control over your life. You need to realize that disobeying the Word of God or involvement in any form of sin quenches the Spirit. The question is, in what ways have you quenched the Holy Spirit? Repent today and get closer to God by yielding your heart to obey His Holy Spirit.
Have you quenched the Holy Spirit?
Are you Spirit-controlled?
Prayer for today