Key Verse
“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day” (Genesis 32:24).
TEXT — Genesis 32:24-30
Advertising is big business today. Enormous amounts of money are spent annually on advertising to get our attention. There are over 350,000 billboard signs throughout the US. Google holds about 28% of the online market share, and Facebook controls 24.5%. YouTube made over $28.8 billion in revenue in 2021. Over the last seven years, Coca-Cola, one of the world’s biggest brands, has spent an average of four billion dollars yearly on advertising, worldwide.
Jacob was in a crisis; he could not go back now to Laban because of the covenant he had just made not to return to Haran. To go forward was to meet Esau and the 400-armed men coming with him to revenge the birthright Jacob stole from him. Now, at his wit’s end, he turned to God. When he was alone, he prayed through that night. His name was changed from Jacob to Israel. On his knees, he gained a resounding victory over his adversaries. He obtained power with God and with man.
Let us understand that Jacob did not prevail over the angel because he was stronger, as often surmised by casual readers of the Scriptures. But he prevailed because he pleaded and cried to God for mercy, and He answered him (Hosea 12:3-5).
Sometimes, God uses various means – sickness, loss of job, failure or a public embarrassment – to humble our hearts and draw our attention to His will. When we eventually get on our knees to pray, the Holy Spirit convicts us and our repentance becomes genuine. It is then we can have the victory.
Thought for the day
Sometimes, God uses challenges to get our attention.
- Bible
- in one year
- EZEKIEL 39-42 (Read By Alexander Scourby)
Bonjour. Mes encouragements et félicitations pour œuvres d’édification et d’évangélisation.