“No Excuse For Telling a Lie”
Thursday, August 29, 2024Key Verse
“But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?” Acts 5:3
Text — Acts 5:1-10
I don’t have any biscuit, go and ask Tom,” that was the voice of Kim in response to Kelly’s plea to give her biscuit because she was hungry. Nora, Kim’s sister saw what her sister did and was displeased, she decided that she would report the case to their mother when she got home. “That’s wrong Kim, you shouldn’t have lied to her,” Mrs. Johnson scolded her daughter. “I didn’t lie mum, I was only being smart because I was saving the biscuit for myself so that I could eat it in the evening,” Kim defended. “Notwithstanding, a lie is a lie no matter the reason why it was told and it remains a sin to God. Better still, you could have told her that you didn’t have a spare to give to her rather than saying that you didn’t have at all.” Lying is a sin and there’s no justifiable reason for it.
Are you like Kim in the story or you’re like Ananias and Sapphira? Whatever be the excuse, lying is never of God but of the Devil because the Bible addresses him as the father of all lies. Be determined to speak the truth always and God would always be with you in Jesus’ Name.
Further Reading
Proverbs 6:16,17
Prayer for today
Lord, give me the grace to speak the truth always not minding the situation in Jesus’ Name.