“I Love The Lord”
Saturday, January 25, 2025Key Verse
“I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.” Psalm 116:1
Text — Psalm 116:1-4
The topic of the essay by the English teacher was “Why I love my Father”. Toloiene was announced as the highest scorer because she was able to state clearly ten good reasons that endeared her loving and caring father to her heart. There are always reasons why we love someone. Some children are fond of their parents, aunties, uncles, cousins, teachers or friends because of the care, attention, patience and may be gifts they always receive from them. We can’t love someone without a reason. The psalmist states very clearly why he loves the Lord: because He has heard his voice and supplication. Inclined His ears to him and delivered
him from trouble and sorrow.
Do you love Jesus with all your heart? There are important things to do that will show that you love the Lord.
(i) Remembrance of the pains and shame He suffered to set you free from sin and the punishment in hell. (ii) Daily appreciation of His love towards you by living a life pleasing to Him. (iii) Reading His word and obeying His instructions to you. (iv) Staying alone with Him and enjoying His presence in prayer. (v) Telling others about His love to the world. These are the actions that prove you love the Lord.
Further Reading
John 14:21-24
Prayer for today
My heart longs for You, my Saviour and my Lord. Teach me to love You with all my soul.