“I Am Who God Says I Am!”
Friday, January 24, 2025Key Verse
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;” 1 Peter 2:9
Text — 1 Peter 2:9-11
I am a new creature, I am a brand-new man, old things are passed away, I am born again, more than a conqueror that’s who I am, I am a new creature and a brand-new man.” Can you sing this beautiful song? A baby that was in the mother’s womb yesterday, but was born this morning is no longer the same. That baby has changed position. All things have changed. No more in the darkness and heat of the womb. The baby has seen the light, and is no longer the same.
When a child is born again, everything changed. Now, he/she is a new creature and God has given that child a new status. God says you are (i) a chosen generation- chosen by God among all others (ii) a royal priesthood- a priest unto the King (iii) an holy nation- now a citizen of heaven (iv) a peculiar people- not like all other children but special (v) which in time past were not a people, but now the people of God (vi) which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy- goodness and mercy now following you every day and everywhere. A child of God must be conscious of all these uncommon attributes God has put upon him/her. The devil is always looking for ways to make a child of God doubt and condemn himself/herself. Say no to Satan’s condemnation. How can you constantly have the confidence and assurance of who God says that you are? Live a holy life and enjoy your benefits in the kingdom.
Further Reading
Galatians 3:13,14
Prayer for today
Lord Jesus, help me to appreciate who you have made me to be.