Key Verse
“Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.” Psalm 119:73
Text — Psalm 119:73-80
No one is born into this world by mistake. God knows when everyone was conceived and has special plan and purpose for every individual life. The psalmist expresses this fact clearly in saying that we are fearfully and wonderfully created by God. The hands of the Almighty God made and fashioned us. Therefore, you are better than animals, trees, oceans, mountains, seas and other creatures of God. When you recognize this fact, believe it and act in line with His word, you will enjoy great blessings from God. The blessings include – divine wisdom and understanding, spiritual growth, promotion, sound health and uncommon favour.
Remember that the knowledge of God as your Creator demands that you fear Him, honour Him, and obey His word. Have you surrendered your life to God through Jesus Christ His Son? You can do this now by repenting, confessing and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. When you truly do this, the Spirit of God will bear witness in your heart and the grace to live for Him will be deposited in you.
Further Reading
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Prayer for today
Lord, I humbly surrender my life to You as my Creator.