Shedding Light Or Casting Shadows
Wednesday, December 20, 2023Key Verse
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Text — Matthew 5:14-16
The light shines and shows while the shadow darkens and hides an object. The life of a child of God must shine as light so that people around will see Christ Who is living inside him or her.
A boy was given some money to share with his friends. He was known as a good child and he always told people that he was a friend of Jesus and people believed him. He even preached the gospel to people from time to time. When this issue of money came up, this boy showed another character that shocked his friends- he refused to give them their own share of the money. When asked, he told them he had used all the money. This made his friends to be angry at him, especially because he did not explain anything to them until they started asking him.
Angrily, one of them said to him, “and you carry Bible and preach to us, now you have cheated us. Is that what your Bible teaches you?” This boy’s attitude did not shed light on the gospel of Christ, rather, it cast a shadow and his friends may not want to listen to the gospel again because of his character. Let your life show the light -it will lead others to Christ.
Further Reading
Ephesians 5:8
Prayer for today
Oh Lord, please, help me to live a life that shines the light of the gospel to all around me.