Pleasing God With Your Giving
Friday, January 5, 2024Key Verse
“And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:” Luke 21:3
Text — Luke 21:1-4
The Bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” God demonstrated this to mankind by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins (John3:16). God expects everyone to give to meet the needs of other people. Some of the things you can give are: your money for God’s work and the needy; your time to serve God; your talents to use in God’s house and within the community you live, materials, that is items that you have in excess so that others can also benefit from them. It may even be what you are using – share it with others.
The woman that Christ mentioned in our Bible passage of today was referred to as a poor widow (a woman whose husband is dead). She did not consider her condition, rather she willingly and joyfully offered what she had and was commended by Jesus. Let your giving please God at all times and He will bless you abundantly in return.
Further Reading
Luke 6:38
Prayer for today
God, please give me a giving as You want me to do.