God Said It, I Believe It, I Receive It
Monday, July 17, 2023Key Verse
“And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” Luke 5:5
Text — Luke 5:1-7
God is not a man to lie or change His mind about the good thing He speaks or promises His children. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He needed other people to do the work of God with Him. He met some fishermen who were washing their nets, preparing to leave the seaside as they had laboured all night and caught no fish. Simon Peter was one of them. Jesus commanded him saying “… Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for adraught.” (Luke 5:4b)
Simon obeyed because he recognized Jesus as ‘Master’ whose words cannot fail. His belief and action of faith worked for him – he caught so many fishes that his net started breaking that he alone could not hold it. He called other fishermen who were around (James and John, the sons of Zebedee) to help him. This surprise catch made them afraid, but Jesus told them not to fear, that henceforth they would become ‘fishers of men’. These fishermen thereafter left their fishing nets and boats and followed Jesus – He called them His disciples. As Peter believed the words of Jesus, he received what his heart desired. Do you hear/read the promises of God? Believe and receive their fulfilment in your life. His word never fails.
Further Reading
Numbers 23:19
Prayer for today
Father, please help me to believe Your word so that I can receive Your blessings.