“For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her” (Zechariah 2:5).
TEXT — Zechariah 2:1-5
A Christian missionary and author, Kevin Bart, once shared a story of God’s protection during an outreach in the Ferraz de Vasconcelos area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2006. He and his companions had been warned by their Brazilian friends of the danger posed in the area by a gang of criminals on motorcycles who attack people and snatch cars at gunpoint. The gang truly marched round Bart’s mission car for some time, but suddenly pulled back after looking inside the car. Instead, they attacked and snatched another car coming behind. According to Bart, “I do not know what they saw, but we believe they saw something from God that caused them to back off”.
In this revelation to Zechariah, God sent a message of hope, restoration and protection to Israel. Jerusalem, in particular, would expand and be inhabited by a multitude of people and cattle. Beyond the surveyor’s measure, Jerusalem was to become a city of “towns without walls.” What is more? The city and its people will enjoy divine protection because God Himself will be “a wall of fire” round about her and His glory will radiate in it.
God’s promises to enlarge and protect His people from danger are real and still reliable today. The Bible is replete with His promises of divine increase, protection and preservation for those who have received Him as their Father. He is the wall of fire around them. He protects and shields them from danger, hurt or attacks. In fulfilment of the Abrahamic covenant, He defends them in trouble.
God builds an unseen wall of fire around His people. You cannot enjoy the protection of the Wall if your life is not free from sin. Hence, to enjoy boundless increase and continued protection from God, all you need do is maintain a good relationship with Him always.
Thought for the day
Those who keep God’s precepts enjoy His providence.
Listed among “500 most powerful people on the planet” by the Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Pastor (Dr.) William F. Kumuyi is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry (DCLM) headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. DCLM started in 1973 as a 15-member Bible study group right in Kumuyi’s apartment at University of Lagos where he was a lecturer. His revolutionary Bible teaching on personal holiness and commitment to evangelism soon gained so much traction and resulted in a widespread revival.
1 comment
I’m blessed by this message which serves as an assurance from God not to be afraid in our new church. Today will be our first service in this new church in a drug ridden neighborhood of Chester in Pennsylvania. USA.
God is faithful to have sent us this message at such a time as this.
I’m blessed by this message which serves as an assurance from God not to be afraid in our new church. Today will be our first service in this new church in a drug ridden neighborhood of Chester in Pennsylvania. USA.
God is faithful to have sent us this message at such a time as this.